The 1000th #1 song in Billboard Hot 100.
The fastest song to reach #1 in iTunes history.
The #1 iTunes songs for 23 countries simultaneously.
Record breaking radio play and etc.
What's with all this you asked? Don't you know?
Well, it's the brand new spanking single from Lady Gaga!
Born This Way
To be honest, when she released the lyrics for "Born This Way" I find it to be super cheesy, that's why I didn't blog anything about it. But after listening and digesting "Born This Way" for few days in a row, I do get it in my own way. It's not that uber cheesy when you sing it out loud. Don't you agree? It some how fits perfectly with the song arrangement and the chorus rolls out from the tongue like any amazing pop song should. Which is a good thing.
Next, I'm not going anywhere near the Madonna's Express Yourself controversy since I'm not familiar with that particular song myself. I love it when Glee performed it during the Madonna episode though :) I don't quite see the similarity til I stumble upon this video; a mash up of "Express Yourself" and "Born This Way".
I don't quite see the fuss. The tempo is kinda similar but that's about it.
Personally, I feel that "Born This Way" draw more similarity towards "Dance In The Dark" which is produced by the same producer, Fernando Garibay. Hm, "Born This Way" does sound like it belong to her Fame Monster era? And then it kinda struck me that "Born This Way" is not your typical GaGa song. It's not moody, lyrically! (cue "Bad Romance", "Paparazzi", and "Alejandro") It's some sort of the happy version of "Dance In The Dark", no? Heck, this is one empowering song! She is definitely putting her money where her mouth is! Just read the lyrics of "Born This Way" and you'll understand what I mean. I'm not too sure whether this is gonna be the new gay anthem for the LGBT community but one thing for sure, this is one hella pop song from a mega popstar that's hard to ignore from years to come. One thing though, she better don't have any dying theme in the music video for "Born This Way" (again cue "Bad Romance", "Paparazzi", and "Alejandro") or I'll be effin' pissed! It's a celebratory and empowering song for god's sake!
I have to admit that I only appreciate "Born This Way" after a few plays. I blame it on the huge hype surrounding the song. But like I said, the catchy chorus did roll off my tongue after a while. It's just silly of me to expect her to release something similar to "Bad Romance" and comparing it, right?
I'm not sure whether all of this is biased because she is one of my favorite artist but time will tell whether "Born This Way" will prove itself to be a song to be reckon with. But for now, after 200+ plays, I must say that I'm on a right track, baby, I was born this way. *paws up*
Whatdya think?
ps: I'm not gonna compare it with Britney's Hold It Against Me. Both songs are different and there's no point doing that. Plus, I have tons of love to share ;) I can't wait for both the music videos.
pps: Here's the fabulous Grammy performance of "Born This Way".
Egg-cellent! Sorry, can't help myself :P
Now playing: Lady GaGa - Born This Way
via FoxyTunes
Remains of the Day (02/21)
1 day ago
We would have had our first stan-war ever if your compared it to Hold it... too bad lol
I don't really hear the similarities between "Express Yourself" and "Born This Way" either. Perhaps a little here and there but to call "BTW" a "rip-off" of "Express Yourself" is stretching it.
I like "Born This Way" a lot. You know I'm not a Gaga fan but I think it's catchy. Maybe it's a little generic considering it's from Gaga but that doesn't change the fact that it's energetic, feel-good pop. You're right, though. Lyrically, it's a tad cheesy and forced. :)
And yep, I cannot understand the Britney vs. Gaga nonsense. Friendly competition and constructive criticism; fair enough, but some fans are just ridiculous. There's room for both. They cater to different groups of people, and some people like them both, so what's the problem? Gosh.
I absolutely love Britney but in no way do I wish Gaga to fail or in no way do I think "Born This Way" is bad.
And I thought Gaga's performance at the Grammy Awards was really good. :)
@J Ah, you were expecting that eh? Next time perhaps, next time.
@Mandy Totally agree! And now people is comparing Brit's Hold It Against Me fighting scene with Madonna's Die Another Day! Can you believe it?
It's been a while since I heard you got so hype up about certain things :) Yay for long comments!
it's the first lazy gaga song i've liked from the off since Bad Romance. Weirdly i'm not a fan of hers but I just accept this song for what it is - an exhilarating pop song that tips the hat to other tunes before it but works totally brilliantly in it's own right :)
@Paul Yay! Welcome to the club! :D
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